Presentation: Tweet"DevOps @ The Journey we have made to grow from 10 to 50 Teams in 3 Years" experienced a tremendous growth in the past years coupled with growth in the number of scrum teams. We witnessed our IT department grow from 10 to 30 teams in just two years time.
Our speed of innovation was accelerating but at the same time we needed to excel in operational excellence. Our current way of working became more and more difficult and we reached the conclusion we had to make significant changes in how we design, build, deploy and operate all our applications.
Hence we determined and implemented our own vision on DevOps during 2015. This has been a challenging and interesting journey to team autonomy and is in full swing right now. We had to adopt the way we work, how we organize ourselves and we invested in new technologies to ‘automize’ the (now) over 45 teams.
We would like to share with you our story: how we initiated the journey, how we progressed and what we have learned. We will approach it from two angles: a manager’s view and a software development team’s perspective.
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